Guests & links

Thank you to everybody who’s sent in an image…

Erica Walker’s antipodean logo, and Simon Moore’s opening ceremony ring-themed party food:

I spotted this great mural outside Hanover Primary School in Islington:

Olympic Sauce and Sporks by Herbert Wright and Coffee with Barbara Gardner

Happy Easter from Phil Baines:

From Hugo den Ouden from the Netherlands who explains that “one of these images is that one with my most favorite round logos (… I made), the other is of ‘bathroom tools'”.

By Nicholas Clarke from the Cinnamon Kitchen Restaurant and Cabaret Club Volupté.


Eat the Olympics by Jack Hemingway and Sarah Kemp:

Sarah Chilcott

Terry Frensham-Page

Peter Edwards

Hannah Giles

Made by my sister Hannah and 4 year old Eddie my nephew.

Andreja Brulc

These doughnuts are traditionally eaten in Slovenia during the carnival period.

Alan Clarke’s Olympic Tube Posters

Lydia Leith’s Olympic Tattoos

Daniel Eatock’s Alt. Olympic 2012 Logo

Olympic Toaster Street Art, and the Guardian’s alternative London 2012 logo

 Follow the Olympic Logo a Day posts on Twitter

If you have a question, or to find out more please contact Sarah Hyndman at email(a)

Please note this is a personal, not-for-profit art project. The images cannot be sold, used for promoting anything or for commercial gain.